Intermediate Uveitis

Intermediate uveitis is an inflammation in the area of the vitreous body (gelatinous fluid that fills the space between the lens and the retina). Patients usually have no pain, but notice a decrease in visual acuity and/or floating opacities. We perform an individual examination of the cause (laboratory, imaging and further diagnostics, if necessary) to exclude or detect a possible underlying autoimmune disease or infection. If necessary, we work in interdisciplinary cooperation with colleagues from rheumatology, pediatric rheumatology, infectiology and radiology. In some cases, despite thorough clarification, no systemic cause can be found In these cases we speak of an "idiopathic" uveitis, which is often limited to the eye and is caused by a misdirected / exuberant inflammatory reaction. A mild intermediate uveitis does not always require therapy as long as there are no complications that threaten the visual acuity.  In the other cases, systemic therapy (oral, subcutaneous or intravenous) is usually required.